The Church

The Church of the Redeemer has a long history in Manistique. In the winter of 1887, Rev. J. Payson Mills was sent by the Lake Superior Presbytery to the lumbering community of Manistique to investigate the formation of a church. Rev. Mills quickly found support and began the process of organizing a new church. The first meeting of The Church of the Redeemer was held on June 23, 1887 with fifteen members. A building committee raised about $6,000 through donations to construct a church building debt-free. The new church was dedicated on August 12, 1888 with The Rev. Andrew McLean as the pastor. The church building has been carefully maintained and preserved over the years. The manse next door to the church was built in 1902. During the 1950’s the church, Sunday school, and youth group grew and prospered. In 1954, the Westminster Room, kitchen, and nursery were added to the church building. A church office and parking lot were added in 1958. In 1960, a Wicks pipe organ was purchased to replace the original pipe organ from 1897. Church membership peaked at 272 in 1961. In 1978, an addition with restrooms and classrooms was finished. Historically, Redeemer has been active in outreach and missions. In the early 1900s, Redeemer helped to establish three mission churches in the surrounding area. Since 1979, The Church of the Redeemer has been yoked with the Gould City Community Presbyterian Church.

Mission Statement:
Because God has created us, loved us, and loves us still, because God calls us into the church to be the body of Christ; we, the people of the Church of the Redeemer Presbyterian, serve God by welcoming all who could come to our life of worship, prayer and study, nurture and community. We are a Presbyterian Church (USA) reflecting our Reformed heritage through our form of government, connection to the larger church, and allegiance to that tradition. In all of our life together we seek to be a sign of the Kingdom, giving praise and thanks to God who recreates us, redeems and sustains us, remembers us, calls us, and cares for us.


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